Monday, September 10, 2012


Before the college recruiter came I haven't really thought about college. I always thought, oh I have another 5 years to go or another 4 years to go, but the college recruiter got me thinking. Thinking about college does bring some fears out of me. I always think about how I might fail the SAT or how I might disappoint my family if I don't get good grades. I keep thinking about how I might not get into a good college and how that might affect my career later on in life. Also I keep thinking if I am good enough to be able to get into a good college.  In Miami my friends were always panicking about not being able to get into UM or FSU. Whenever they said that I always thought “how can getting into UM be hard?” I mean they should aim for bigger and better collages like Harvard or Yale, that’s what I always did. My mom always said if you aim big then you will get big. Its kind- of confusing but it makes sense. If you try for something that is amazing and do your best, even if it seems impossible, you will always get better than aiming low. Now being here I actually have hope for going to an amazing college. Everyone aims big and it has even give me more hope. 

When I do go to college I know I will try my best and always look forward. I won't let my fears interfere with my studying and I will become part of the "family". My major goal when I get into college is to become a leader and to do my best for myself and for the college itself.  Being an aware Academic Leader will give me an advantage for many reasons. College recruiters want people who will not only help the students but that will also help the college itself. They want people who are leaders so they can know what they want and to help the others around you. You have to be strong and not break down in tough situations. You have to serve as a role model, not someone who follows behind.  To be a leader is to be someone who strives to be better and will work their hardest to reach there and to help others along the way.

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